A picture is a thousand words here. Illustrated here are the 3 most common louver blades types that are used in Western Canada. From left to right, they are as follows:
1) Model D4493 Drainable Louver.
These louvers are designed to collect water that flows down the individual blades and disperse the rainwater through channels to the mullion and down to the drain.
2) Model R5455 Storm Resistant Drainable Louver.
Where superior storm resistance and no water ingress can be tolerated, this model is the preferred choice of architects and mechanical engineers throughout Canada.
3) Model H4451 Storm Blade Louver.
Where moderate windblown rain water can be tolerated in the mechanical equipment, then the storm Blade louver is the preferred choice.
All of these louvers are certified to bear the AMCA seal, your assurance that Ten Plus products meet the strictest engineering design requirements and are tested for long-term water penetration and wind driven rain ratings.

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